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Fukushima Videos

This interview is quite good and covers many points from the MSM coverage, discrimination against Fukushima residents through to the possibility of a Fukushima like crisis happening at Indian Point in the US

Aileen Mioko SMITH, Kaori Izumi & Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear join Thom Hartmann. We here at the Big Picture and on my radio show have been doing our best to keep you updated on the latest developments coming out of Japan – as that nation tries to deal with one of the worst nuclear catastrophes in the history of the world. To help us do that – tonight – I’m joined by a few special guests in the studio who’ve flown here all the way from Japan to share their story – and to warn the world about the dangers of nuclear power. Later this week – they will travel to the United Nations where they will call on the UN to recognize human rights violations against children caused by the Fukushima crisis – and ask the UN to stop its global promotion of nuclear energy.

Gundersen expresses concerns that the nuclear industry and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are not addressing major safety issues that have become evident since Fukushima. These issues include serious design flaws in the BWR Mark 1 containment, fundamental flaws in the Boiling Water Reactor vessel design, and problems with detonation shockwaves. The NRC and the nuclear industry are using a flawed cost benefit computer code that underestimates the value of human life and minimize property damages after an accident, which has the effect of justifying continued operation of reactors without safety modifications.

<iframe src=”;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&#8243; width=”400″ height=”225″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=”″>Fairewinds Introduces a Japanese Language Edition and Identifies Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima</a> from <a href=”″>Fairewinds Associates</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Prof. Chris Busby – help save children from Fukushima from radiation:

At least one billion becquerels a day of radiation continue to leak from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant after the March earthquake and tsunami.

Experts say that the total amount of radiation leaked will exceed amounts released from Chernobyl, making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.

Al Jazeera’s Steve Chao reports from the Japanese capital of Tokyo.



Photographs of 60,000-Strong Anti-Nuke Demonstration in Tokyo: Japanese MSMs Called It “A Parade”

Article By Japaneses Blogger @

Looking at this aerial photographs taken by Mainichi Shinbun (one of the better ones in terms of even coverage on nuke issues in Japan; another is Tokyo Shinbun), it sure looks more than 60,000 to me. People who actually participated in the event seemed to have the same impression as mine (on this blog comment sections, and on twitter), that it was far bigger than official number by the police (30,000).

Mainichi quotes the organizers’ number of 60,000 people, and also quotes the number by the police (30,000):

Meanwhile, photos from Germany’s Spiegel and France’s Le Monde, who used the photos from AP and other agencies. Spiegel puts the number at 60,000:

and Yomiuri, who says “more than 30,000 people gathered” (exactly the police official estimate):

Asahi, slightly better perspective but not much, but the article does quite the organizers’ number, 60,000 people:

and the US paper Forbes, without photo, says “tens of thousands of people marched”, but the article title declares “Thousands march against nuclear power in Tokyo”. Thousands??

Many participants in Japan are indignant that their demonstration was called a “parade”, as if this was some festival attraction. Well, give the media time to learn. To me, it’s amazing that the MSMs like Yomiuri and Asahi covered the event at all, and even had photographs. Asahi and Mainichi sent in their own photographers for the event. (Yomiuri’s looks like Jiji Tsushin’s photo.) I would take it as a sign that the anti-nuke movement may be crossing the threshold in Japan in terms of the number of people, and the MSMs cannot simply ignore anymore.

Calling it a “parade” and using the lowest official estimate by the police as the number of participants is a classic way to belittle a movement.